I'm In Love....
Another day another sin
I fell in love with a violin
It's all black, an electrical one
my heart is sold the damage's done
my heart is craving for a musical instrument
that I never learnt how to play
No! that money wouldn't be well spent
so I'll stick to my guitar to day
an acoustic black shining friend
to learn how to play will take till the end.....
Another love puts my head to spin
how lovely to play that violin.....
But a crush is a crush even if
it may only last for a day
my fingers are sore and stiff
but still I want it some way
Oh! No! My beloved guitar
I'm doing it some cruel injustice
when I'm long gone far
two-timing like this
No! I'll stick to my old mate
after all the guitar is my fate.......
But now I now where I'd been
if I'd learnt how to play the violin.....
Hey you! That stupid violin!
who comes here sweeping in
how dare you steal my bleeding heart
can't you see you're breaking it apart
there isn't place for both of you
so now you're splitting it in two
Yes! You gave me quite a start
when you came and whispered Mozart
but to play the guitar I swore to learn
I'll try until my fingers bleed and burn
what I need right now is discipline
so I have no time for a violin.....
© Linus Piknik
ARRRGHHH! I WANT ONE!.................
Hmmmmm! I Wonder...........
when I fried mushrooms the other day, I figured.. as so many times before! how do we know we can pick certain mushrooms and leave others....Today it's not that heard if you just have a keen eye and one of those millions of books about muschrooms...but a hundred or two hundred years ago I don't know but I don'r think they had one! and that means people must have tried to eat the muschrooms..... and I wonder, I wonder just how many lives were risked when finding out which ones you could eat and which ones you couldn't eat!
I mean some mushroom you have to cook, boil for atleast 7 houers or so. that mean that first someone might have eaten it raw and died. next prson maybe boiled it for while, ate it and died to. maybe not as quick or painful as the first one so that they could see a pattern. then someone boiled it for six houers, got sick. and maybe a forth person boiled it for seven houers and discovered that it was actually a very tasteful mushroom! I mean what made them do this? "lets try and boil them for another houer! I know the naigbours didn't make it but maybe we will?".
or how about these mushrooms "you can't eat those no matter what you do with them!" I wonder how many people died before they realized just how poisonous they are and decided to write it off the list of eatable mushrooms......
or those mushrooms which aren't poisonous but doesn't taste wery well either...so they must have tasted their way through the world of mushrooms....! it must have been quite a lottery! did they take turns?
"lets try these ones tonight, the neighbours made a good deed for the sake of mushrooms in the dishes yesterday, and they survived and now it's our turn...." crazy!
....or maybe they just picked some mushrooms by mistake and didn't notice until after they
had eaten them....? quite a shock that must have been!................
Linus the Loon....
has got her balloon
now she's jumping and singing happily
Linus the loon
she's on the moon
now she's sleeping and dreaming peacefully
Linus the loon
has lost her tune
now she's playing and singing terribly
Linus the loon
will leave here soon
now she's writing and thinking, hopefully...........
And No! I'm not on drugs............or alcohol for that matter....! I'm just drunk on sleep!
Today there was almost no flour to analye...in fact when I came to work today my co-worker had already done the three most important analyses such as humidity and protein. and combined with the only wheatflour we had to analyze this day turned out to be the most boring and longest day at work..ever! before breakfast at nine practically all analyses were done but protein. which machinery completley broke down today.. so we had no protein reasults today! not funny! it means we have to do them tomorrow + the new posts of flour comming in....=( and that could be a few!
anyway after having done some cleaning in the laboratory my boss finally saved me! he gave me orders to clean up the "millroom" as we call it, that is to say the room where all the samples of the posts end up after having passed through the mill. and I tell you, in case you didn't know - flour is a bit adhesive, and that means it gets stuck on the surroundings, commonly known as dust. despite that the mill room is pretty small, it took me more than four houers to clean. there was flour on the benches, on the walls and even in the cupboards...the only place I didn't clean was the ceiling I guess, i'ts not that I didn't reach it but I'm a bit scared of hights.....I can't climb up on a stool without having anything to grab on to such as a shelf or just something solid I could count on not to fall as I try to climb.
anyway after such hard work, I'm gonna give myself a little treat...maybe some ice cream......