review of Tuesday the 26:th.............

Today we'we been loading shit on this farm. I mean it, using pitchforks to move the manure into a bucket on a tractor. when we'd filled that bucket up we loaded that onto a cart and when that one was full we'd drive it away and tip it on a field somewhere, I do not know the exact location but I know it's in the surroundings, anyway I wasn't driving so...!

it was very hard work, I tell you that! the manure was pretty heavy and was smelling pretty badly!

but the manure was decomposing so it was a bit warm around the shit! so when they left to dump the shit I found a place of dry straw, where I sat down to rest, and to my great surprise I found that the decomposing manure was pretty nice to sit on since it was so warm, and I think that I dare to claim that it was a simillar experience to the one of a seatwarmer in a car. except for the smell! which rose to your nose following that white smoke which I don't exactly know what it is but I think I have a clue......

so todays hot tip is if you frezze sit down in the deep shit! (he! he!)


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