
I have a serious problem with my cat pitchy! she's awfully nice and wants to be petted all the time. No claws at all, unless she thinks it's time to get out of bet in the morning. but there is one big problem however, she thinks she has to give me gifts, and she gives me the most precious things she can find. a litle more than a week ago she brought me a dead bird, and put it in my bed around three in the morning. Drunk with sleep my body toss it on the floor thinking the cat will eat it! but no! she brings it back up again. I, drunk with sleep rise out of bet like a zombie and flush it down the toilet (not very smart, but like I said I was a Zombie drunk with sleep.)

about a week ago she leaps up in my bed carrying a dead snake! a very small one though but still a snake (the head was nicely severed and probably eaten!). This time I rise out of bed, not as drunk with sleep like last time,(probably since I've done it before) anyway I grab the snake, walk downstairs and toss it in the flower border just outside the porch. I go back up again and goes back to sleep, like some kind of robot. anyway I wake up a few moments later because my cat has leaped back up in my bed again carrying half the snake!(she probably ate the other half and then(( as very thoughtful of her)) she thought she'd bring me my share!)This time, now drunk from sleep as last time, I flush the half snake down the toilet. I go back to bed and returns to the world of dreams.

Last night I wake up because there is a cat playing in my bed, guess what! she brought me a dead shrew-mouse. I get out of bed, grab the mouse by the tail and (it's become routine now=))
walks downstairs and toss it in the flowerborder. goes back in again (don't feel like going back to bed now when Pitchy put a mouse on the sheets, the other times she put them on the covering or the bedspread)I lay down on the sofa in the living room. a few momets later my cat found her pray again and brought it back inside, up on the sofa! this time I toss it out agin, my cat follows her pray and then I close the door so that she can't come inside that way. I change bedding and remembers that the basement door is still opened and that she might come through there, so I close it. but she is already inside! fearing that she brought her dead mouse in to the house somewhere I grab pitchy, walk into my room and close the door. the rest of the night I was asleep peacefully and so was Pitchy when she realized she couldn't get out!

I think I'm going to close that basement door before I go to bed! and then maybe I don't have to deal with slaughetered, severed animals in the middle of the night!

but what if it isn't a gift! I could be a warning! maybe she's in the mob?.....No just kidding, I really don't think she's in the mob! Or is she?.........


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