MAYDAY - HAYDAY...............
the yearly Bring-in-the-hay-days have finally passed! about 10 000 bales have been brough up on the loft. they weigh about 10 kg each, that is 100 000 Kg of hay! There is only one thing I can say! it's finally over!!!!!!
Grnadmá managed to run away from the retirementhome. and she stays in a locked ward! while she was gone she went in to the grocery store and was caught for shoplifting somehow, she has never stolen anything before but she is a bit demented so she must have been confused and put something in her pocket! I don't know! but we found her later safe and sound a bit shocked though.
anyway my grandmother is a bit fun, she attended a friends funeral. and claimed later that when she'd come home her dead friend had visited her and left some sponge cake. we asked her ofcourse if that really was her dead friend and she is stubborn and still claims that it was. mom sked her it sounded something like this ( I accidently overheard the conversation):
-But mon! you went to her funeral!
-but then she can't have come to visit you! could she!
-It was her!
-what did she say?
-Well, she didn't say much!
-How did she feel?
-Well I guess she wasn't feeling so good in the casket where she was.
-Did she bring the casket?
-how did she get to you?
-I don't know?
the thing is is that the personel of the retirementhome said that she'd had a visitor, a lady who's name they didn't know. And another friend of hers came to visit her the next morning and grandmá showed her the sponge cake! so someone was there allright and gave her cake, but whoom? still a mistery.......
(actually it's sad but should I laugh or should I cry? I'd rather laugh!)