A Lot To Do......
we're moving granmá to the retirement home, she just can't live at home anymore! when she disapperas just like that! and since she took a bus ride around town to visit her dead mother in a house which she left many years before she died! who is to say that she the next time she's gone is not on the train down to Göteborg to visit her dead aunt who died more than 60 years ago! who knows if she'll remember that?
But it's a good place she's come to, ahe has a nice room with all the stuff that she needs. but ist so sad to see her neigbours, one lady is just walking around the corridors looking like a ghost as if she's so demnted she has no idea who she is! that's just sad. and another lady tries to grab you while you pass her by, I think she just wants physical contact! and if she can't reach you she swears the hell of a lot, honestly I think I've never heard a lady in her age swear that much! that's also sad!
anyway the big problem is to clean out grandmás old appartment! it's small but she was a master on stuffing things away! there is I don't know how many handwritten recipes all between 20 to 50 years old which you can't read. and just as many recipes cut out from magazines! Old Videotapes, mostly recorded tv episodes of different series! I found 1994 grammy (music) awards recorded on one tape! Not to forget about the thousand unmarked photos on diffrent people who probably have been dead the later part of the last century!Aand we have no idea who these people are!
so as you see we have a lot to do! but we are in no hurry, we have three months to leave the appartment! and another thing too, which will take most of our time! we have a new puppy, another Dachshund! I've been so glad the last months that we haven't had to cover the floor with newspaper, but I guess it's just to get used to it again!