A Poor..........

Outside my house you were to wait

Inside my house I knew I was late

We left the grounds hand in hand

our mids were found in another land

My eyes saw deep into your eyes

too far gone to to realize


A poor start ends

as I long for the bed


Outside the city there was we

inside of me you were to be

we went to bed the first night I met you

eaven though I said I would'nt let you

I loved your embrace how nice it was

but this love was not to last for us


A sore heart mends

as I fear for a dread


Outside of me my world slowly died

Inside of me my heart slowly sighed

you're far long gone from my grounds today

what was going on was quickly swept away

sigh! what a totally blown bliss

there's noway to atone this


A core part bends

as I yearn for the dead


Outside of me my tears of leaves has fallen

Inside of me my echoes of love has callen

autumn in his pride claimed all our heat

far deep inside my heart misses the beat

with that memory I kept one moment in time

It cheers me up in the winters snow & rime



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