My name is Linus Piknik the smart confused one, and I am a young girl in her twenties. I have five brothers: Emmanuel the concerned philisopher, Thorstén the hungry gourmand, Elias the good ecologist, Anders the awesome cool one and Antonius-Marcus the tired duracellrabbit. and yes they're all girls too. we renamed eatchother just for fun, during a picnic 090505. the family name Piknik comes from a misspelled attempt to write "picknik" (Swedish for picnic) when we documented our new names...............
I started this blog to improve my English writing.
[email protected]
En Alla Hjärtans Dag Slips till Min Egna Lilla Älskling.......
En Slips i svart tyg och rött foder. Dekorerad med röda och rosa Scrapboking hjärtan jag hittade i nån butik för länge sen.