For the first time in weeks
it is finally raining
tears patter on the streets
the weather is changing
cooling breezes touch my skin
through the window it reaches in
to my room still dwells of heat
again can I breath my heart can beat
enjoy the moments while they last
as shadows of heat from the past
comes to mind in every kiss
brought by wind in times like this
for too long we've suffered this drought
rain comes refreshing I want to go out
but this late lovely moment
is also indoors well spent
© Linus Piknik
Här är jag nu! Men vart är du? (Here I am now! But where are you?)
Här är jag nu (Here I am now)
men vart är du ? (but where are you?)
drömmarnas dröm (the dream of dreams)
i tidens ström (in the stream of time)
har du passerat mig nu? (have you passed me by now?)
vart är du? (where are you?)
mina vintrars vinter, mina sommrars sommar (my winter of winters, my summer of summers)
mina höstars höst, mina vårars vår (my autumn of autumns, my spring of springs)
mitt kalla hjärta domnar (my cold heart goes numb)
du fanns i alla vrår (you were in every corner)
här är jag nu (here I am now)
men vart är du? (but where are you?)
Min önskan, min längtan (My wish, my longning)
min ömkan, min trängtan (my pity, my yearning)
du är jag och jag är du (you are me and I am you)
vart är du? här är jag nu! (where are you? Here I am now)
i gryningens skymning (in the dawns' dusk)
är jag bara en rymling (I am but a fugitive)
Men tiden säger mig att du (But time tells me that you)
kommer att komma (will come)
till mig strax efter nu (to me straight after now)
först då kan vi somna (not until then we can fall asleep)
sjunka in i evighetens land (sink into the land of eternity)
långt bortom tidens tand (far beyond the ravages of time)
Här i stormen väntar jag dig (Here in the storm I am awating you)
men mitt hjärta blöder ej (but my heart is not bleeding)
när du nalkas i gryningen (when you are drawing near in the dawn)
jag ett barn av skymningen (I a child of the twilight)
måste känna min motsats (have to sense my opposite)
i denna värld på denna plats (in this world at this place)
Men när är nu? (But when is now?)
anländer du sen? (will you arrive later?)
vart är du? (where are you?)
och finns du än? (and are you still here?)
här är jag nu! (here I am now)
men vart är du? (but where are you?)
© Linus Piknik
and now I sit here, typing an entry while watching a tellie without colours, it's a colour TV, it's just so old that it looses the setting the moment you turn it off. and I have been too lazy to press the button on the remote that adjusts the colouring. and it's so hot, it's so hot I could die both outdoors and indoors, we're melting in this country! HEEELLP!
and by the way I forgot my cellphone i mum's car, it's silly how we don't realize just how addicted we are to them until we miss them....
about a week ago she leaps up in my bed carrying a dead snake! a very small one though but still a snake (the head was nicely severed and probably eaten!). This time I rise out of bed, not as drunk with sleep like last time,(probably since I've done it before) anyway I grab the snake, walk downstairs and toss it in the flower border just outside the porch. I go back up again and goes back to sleep, like some kind of robot. anyway I wake up a few moments later because my cat has leaped back up in my bed again carrying half the snake!(she probably ate the other half and then(( as very thoughtful of her)) she thought she'd bring me my share!)This time, now drunk from sleep as last time, I flush the half snake down the toilet. I go back to bed and returns to the world of dreams.
Last night I wake up because there is a cat playing in my bed, guess what! she brought me a dead shrew-mouse. I get out of bed, grab the mouse by the tail and (it's become routine now=))
walks downstairs and toss it in the flowerborder. goes back in again (don't feel like going back to bed now when Pitchy put a mouse on the sheets, the other times she put them on the covering or the bedspread)I lay down on the sofa in the living room. a few momets later my cat found her pray again and brought it back inside, up on the sofa! this time I toss it out agin, my cat follows her pray and then I close the door so that she can't come inside that way. I change bedding and remembers that the basement door is still opened and that she might come through there, so I close it. but she is already inside! fearing that she brought her dead mouse in to the house somewhere I grab pitchy, walk into my room and close the door. the rest of the night I was asleep peacefully and so was Pitchy when she realized she couldn't get out!
I think I'm going to close that basement door before I go to bed! and then maybe I don't have to deal with slaughetered, severed animals in the middle of the night!
but what if it isn't a gift! I could be a warning! maybe she's in the mob?.....No just kidding, I really don't think she's in the mob! Or is she?.........
A lonly little smithy......
A deserted smithy tells of times before
decayed it says how things used to be
and though no metal's forged in here no more
there is still so much to see....
MAYDAY - HAYDAY...............
the yearly Bring-in-the-hay-days have finally passed! about 10 000 bales have been brough up on the loft. they weigh about 10 kg each, that is 100 000 Kg of hay! There is only one thing I can say! it's finally over!!!!!!
Grnadmá managed to run away from the retirementhome. and she stays in a locked ward! while she was gone she went in to the grocery store and was caught for shoplifting somehow, she has never stolen anything before but she is a bit demented so she must have been confused and put something in her pocket! I don't know! but we found her later safe and sound a bit shocked though.
anyway my grandmother is a bit fun, she attended a friends funeral. and claimed later that when she'd come home her dead friend had visited her and left some sponge cake. we asked her ofcourse if that really was her dead friend and she is stubborn and still claims that it was. mom sked her it sounded something like this ( I accidently overheard the conversation):
-But mon! you went to her funeral!
-but then she can't have come to visit you! could she!
-It was her!
-what did she say?
-Well, she didn't say much!
-How did she feel?
-Well I guess she wasn't feeling so good in the casket where she was.
-Did she bring the casket?
-how did she get to you?
-I don't know?
the thing is is that the personel of the retirementhome said that she'd had a visitor, a lady who's name they didn't know. And another friend of hers came to visit her the next morning and grandmá showed her the sponge cake! so someone was there allright and gave her cake, but whoom? still a mistery.......
(actually it's sad but should I laugh or should I cry? I'd rather laugh!)
are There......
Oh no! there are just some big bales of hay!
He! He! =)